Learning together, inspiring each other

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  2. Artsmark


Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision. It is delivered by Trinity College London and 10 regional Bridge organisations drive participation. It is nationally recognised as demonstrating excellence in arts and cultural provision.

We are collating examples of all of the wonderful learning that our pupils undertake in the expressive arts to achieve the Artsmark.

Here are some of the activities and events our pupils have taken part in, in addition to their lessons in art & design, dance, drama and music.


What a wonderful week we had with a host of artists and musicians in school to work alongside our talented pupils and staff. Sue Lacey worked with Y2 pupils to sew frozen landscapes using textiles whilst Alison Brett helped Y3s create sculptured clay tiles.

Rachael Swift helped our Y4s create murals celebrating aspects of their Ancient Egypt topic and self portraits too.

Patrick Bullock from Brighton’s SameSky (, the company behind the annual Children’s Parade, taught our Y5s how to make constructions from withies and tissue paper in readiness for this year's flight-themed parade.

Our Y6s were very fortunate to be taught by water colour artist Graham Dean ( Other artists worked with children from across the school. Our very own teaching assistant Rachael Millis, led children in Years 1 to 4 in a modern/jazz dance workshop that they thoroughly enjoyed.

Meanwhile children across Key Stage 2 had the privilege of working with one of Stomp’s original percussionists, Ollie Tunmer ( who taught us that you really don’t need an expensive instrument to make amazing music – you can use body percussion just as well.

And that was just the artists that visited us! Teachers ensured that there were lots of other activities designed to improve children’s skills in the arts. They explored the work of other artists and used their topic as a theme for their work.


Brighton Children's Parade

Once again, children, staff and parents joined in the wonderful Children's Parade through the streets of Brighton to mark the start of the Brighton Festival. This year's theme was "Flight" and our section was flying creatures. We chose fruit bats! Over 60 pupils joined in the parade, dressed in their batwings and bat-ears carrying fruits for the bats to feast on!

Click here for photos of the parade.