STARS is a national system of accreditation that helps schools to improve their active travel aims.
Coldean Primary School was the first school in Brighton & Hove to achieve both Bronze and Silver, in November 2013.
Over the past few years we have implemented and maintained:
Bike-It programme. In November 2013 we became the first school in Brighton & Hove to achieve Sustrans' GOLD Award;
Walk Once a Week with dress-up days, class-based activities & competitions;
Pedestrian training for Year 1 pupils;
Scooterability training for Year 2 pupils;
Bikeability training for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils;
An after-school Cycle Club for Years 4 to 6;
Off-road cycle trips to Stanmer Woods and Park;
- A pump track on site to further develop children's cycling skills;
Educational visits using 'walking' as transport rather than catching the bus;
An incentive scheme to encourage more children to cycle to school;
A Park & Stride scheme to keep congestion around the school gates to a minimum;
Combined Active Travel Days, with competitions and awards;
We try to maintain engagement with our aims through:
Active Travel news in our monthly newsletter;
A noticeboard with active travel news and achievements displayed;
Updates on this website;
A Travel to School Agreement that all parents are encouraged to sign up to;
Inclusion of our Active Travel aims in our prospectus and our "ABC of Starting School" document;
Using the local media to promote our aims;
The children's learning is enhanced through:
Ensuring that active travel is heavily linked to our P.E and Science Policies;
Planning activities in P.E., Science, PSHE and other appropriate lessons;
Using travel issues as a context for debate and persuasive writing;
Interviewing relevant visitors about travel issues and concerns e.g. Councillor Sue Shanks;
The 'Good Life' Reps liaising with classes to find new and exciting ways to promote active travel.
Watch this short film below to hear why our pupils think that Active Travel is important.

Click above to see a prezi presentation of our Modeshift journey