Spelling & Handwriting
At Coldean, we use a structured, rigorous system to teach spelling. This is built on the fundamentals of teaching spelling with strong phonic foundations, ensuring our pupils become better spellers for life. The learning of spelling at Coldean meets all National Curriculum statutory requirements and objectives, and is unashamedly ambitious.
In EYFS and KS1 children learn to spell the words for each phonics phase. From Year 2(when children have completed phase 6 spellings), to Year 6, the children focus on a list of 15 words for two weeks. These are broken down into syllables, sound buttons, and the tricky bits are identified. The children learn spelling rules, complete spelling investigations and also fast tasks to revise learning. The lists include the statutory word lists for each year group.
You will find the words that your child is focusing on in their year groups section of the website.