Sports Days FAQs
What do the children need for Sports Day?
On Sports Day all children should come to school in their PE kit. We ask that children wear a t-shirt that matches the colour of their House (Brunswick = Blue, Palmeira = Red, Regency = Green and Sussex = Yellow)
The children will be outside (hopefully in the sunshine) so please make sure that they have a sunhat and have had sun cream applied.
What if it rains?
We always hope the sun will shine for Sports Day, however as we live in the UK this is not always the case. If the weather is slightly overcast we will still have Sports Day.
In the event of rain we would cancel the Sports Day. Parents will be informed via text message, the school website and the school Facebook page of the cancellation.
If Sports Day is cancelled we shall reschedule it for a later date. If it rains again on this second attempt, then we will not have a Sports Day.
How do the parents get access to the field?
Parents will get access to the field via the green gate access to the Junior Playground (next to Nursery) . This gate will be opened at 9.10am on day.
The gate will then be manned by a member of staff to ensure that all children are safe and cannot leave the school grounds.
What time does Sports Day start?
Sports Day starts at 9.30am
Teams gather on the junior playground so that parents/carers can follow them to their first event.
Can I give food and drink to my child during Sports Day?
Please do not give your child any food during Sports Day. This is a morning in school – the same rules apply – you don’t walk up to them in class and hand them a packet of crisps so please do not do it during Sports Day.
At regular intervals the children will be provided with water.
Can I take pictures of my child during Sports Day?
Of course you can take pictures of your child. Please be mindful of other children around them. If you are planning to put pictures of your child’s sporting endeavours onto any forms of Social Media please make sure that you do not have other children in the shot.
How is Sports Day organised – what do the children do?
Within their House the children are divided into smaller teams. Each team consists of children from Reception to Year 6. Siblings are placed in the same team.
The children then rotate around 20 activities e.g. sack race, obstacle course, rugby pass, high jump, hockey dribble, beat the goalie, shuttle runs, etc to collect points for their House.
The children are at each activity for 3 minutes. They are then awarded an amount of points that are collated into a House Score. Extra points are awarded for good sportsmanship at the various activities.
Do not remove your child from their team. This is a school activity.
When the final activity is over the children gather on the Junior playground in their Houses and the Headteacher announces the winners.
Stickers are awarded to the children and then they will go to their class teacher.
Why do the children not take part in a competitive Sports Day?
This is a competitive Sports Day. The children are representing their house and competing against the other three houses.
By completing a carrousel of activities the children are more active (not sitting around waiting to run their race) and also developing their ‘team spirit’. It is wonderful to watch the older children supporting and helping the younger children achieve success.
As a school our children have the opportunity to take part in a number of competitive sporting activities e.g. netball, football, tennis, gymnastics, rugby etc. Within the summer term pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 represent the school at the Withdean Athletics Competition.
When can we take our children home?
At the end of the day as normal. After the Sports Day the teachers will take their classes. Please do not try to remove your child at the end of sports - we still have an afternoon in school!
What happens at the end of the Sports Day?
At the end of Sports Day the children will go to their class teacher and return to class. As the children gather by their teacher we ask that spectators exit the field via the green gate at the side of nursery.